Jar of Copper Sulphate.
Probe Filler Bottle with a Dropper Top
Silver Chloride Reference Probe for use with the ProCoMeter
Male USB A to Male Mini USB B USB 1metre Cable USB 2
The Potentiostat is a handheld item purposedly built for one of the five modes that our ProCoMeter performs (the single cell mode). It can also be used as a standalone potentiostat for other uses.
ProCoMeter Calibration Box. This is to ensure that your ProCoMeter is performing with accuracy. If it is not then you know to return the ProCoMeter for recalibration
Copper Sulphate in a 450g tub.
Copper Sulphate in a 1kg tub
Copper Sulphate in a 3kg tub
Peli 1500 Blue Peli case without foam